Go be human

Let your AI deal with the rest

Design your own AI with AI.XYZ

The digital world was designed to make us more productive but now navigating it all has become its own job.

Take life a little easier

Tackles info

“Like ChatGPT, but way more proactive and useful because it’s designed by me, for only me”

Never sits

“Even if I’m not interacting with it, my AI looks for ways to simplify my day, surprising me with useful ideas”

Supports and

“It takes things off my plate, but also cheers me on throughout the day — helping me navigate it all”

Create your AI in 3 simple steps:


Pick a face and voice

Choose from our library of characters or add your own unique face and voice.


Create your AI’s persona and memory

Decide who your AI is, its purpose and what it will help you with. Paste information that you want your AI to know.


Get started

Ask your AI to help you with ideas and support throughout your day. Eventually it will be able to proactively support you.

Start training your AI to do things for you